About Us
Big Island Baptist Church is 135 years old. That means we have a lot of history, but we are also real people. We have people who like Bluegrass Gospel and we have people who like contemporary music and all the genres in between. While many churches have stopped using a choir, we still have a choir, director, piano and organ and members often join on Sundays. Our choir practices at 2pm on Wednesdays.
We have regular potlucks and practice full submersion baptisms. We have weathered a lot of storms in life and as a church, otherwise we would have never lasted this long. We are real people, with real problems, saved by our faith in Jesus and not any works of our own. We have a great cemetery with a wonderful view looking over the James River and the local mountains. We are longtime members of the Southern Baptist Convention and Strawberry Baptist Association.
If the below picture is you or has been you in the past on Sundays, you will fit right in.

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